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Battle of the Platforms: WordPress vs. Squarespace

Why WordPress is Always Better than Squarespace

Whether your site is for personal use or for business use, it has got to be functional. Deciding which website builder to use can be confusing, they all have their pros and cons. Many people chose to use Squarespace for their CMS because they think WordPress is intimidating.  However, WordPress is not as scary as you think and it will benefit your business more in the long run. These are some reasons why WordPress is superior to Squarespace:

Very Customizable

WordPress has wide variety of themes and templates you are able to customize to fit your style or brand. Squarespace has a very limited amount of themes and customizable options are slim as well.

Comparable Costs

WordPress allows you to host and build your site for as low as $3.95. Granted, you can purchase themes and plugins for an additional cost however you do not have to do so. Squarespace starts at $8 per month and that is with limited capabilities such as a 20 page limit, with only two contributors on your site and you are only allowed to sell one product.


WordPress has a variety of plugins that allow you to easily integrate a wide variety of payment processors. There is also no limit on the amount of products you can have on your site. Squarespace only allows you to use Stripe for payment processing which is only available in a select few countries. For growing businesses, this is not the best solution.

Backing Up Data

WordPress comes with tools for exporting and backing up your themes and plugins. Squarespace’s limits the content that is able to be exported. That content includes product pages, album pages, text, audio and video blocks. Users are able to backs up their whole site with WordPress and it will include all content, themes, and plugins.

Want to know more? Enjoy your next cup of awesome soon. The Morning Cup is published every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and will give you insight and tips about all of your digital media needs…plus a teaspoon of fun. Have a question? Message us on Facebook to submit a topic. Need help? Give us a call at 401.949.8000 and let us boost your brand. 

About VUP

We are storytellers, strategists, planners and artists. VUP Media is made up of digital strategists that help create and execute an array of your digital media and marketing needs. Under one roof and usually at one table, our team plans, produces and places your brand and assets across all platforms. Headquartered in Greenville, Rhode Island and Delray Beach, Florida, VUP Media is a full-service Digital Media and Interactive Solution agency. Our 3,000 sq. ft studio is home to four post-production suites, an audio recording studio, and a unique team of creative marketing professionals, motion graphic animators, and web developers. We have a multitude of services that will take your brand to the next level in the digital world. Call 401.949.8000 or visit for more information.