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Social Media Marketing

Expand into a larger network with social media strategies that make your brand personality pop.

Social media marketing offers a multitude of channels to bring brand awareness, drive website traffic, and sales to increase your return on investments. Social networking websites allow individuals, businesses, and other organizations to interact with one another and build relationships and communities online. Statistics show that a staggering number of users are joining social media platforms daily. This is why everyone, from small businesses to big corporations, are taking advantage of the opportunity to reach millions of consumers while keeping up with the latest web trends.

Interact with your audience on the most relevant platforms

We customize content to fit your individual brand identity

Account Setup & Management

We’ll ensure your social media accounts are set up and optimized for maximum success. Our social media team will manage them and keep up to date with engaging content every month. We’ll help build your audience and following and help your social media platforms generate new leads. Social media presents businesses with the unique opportunity to engage directly with current and potential customers on an on-going basis. Because of this instant interaction between customers and businesses/other customers, it’s imperative that companies take a proactive stance when it comes to their online presence. From Facebook to Twitter, Instagram to Google+, there are several different social media platforms available for businesses to choose from. However, it’s important to keep in mind that no matter where your customers find you, your business should display a consistent image across all utilized channels.

Content Creation

We’ll create and schedule innovative and engaging content that will keep your audience interested, drive website traffic and sales. We will work with you to design a social media strategy that is relevant to your business and your values. Our team is experienced in the creation and implementation of media plans, and will help manage the customer-focused social media profiles you need in order to grow. Our social media management team will craft your social media strategy from start to finish and manage it daily through the following services:

  • Develop and execute online marketing strategy
  • Create and keep editorial strategy and curate content
  • Post updates daily
  • Create high quality content
  • Oversee cover, profile picture, ads, and any additional marketing materials
  • Create promotions and ad management campaigns
  • Grow your brand awareness
  • Monitor testimonials and reviews
  • Monitor spam
  • Manage ad campaigns on multiple platforms

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