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Strategic Plan

Make decisions based on data, not your gut.

At VUP Media, ‘strategy’ isn’t a word; it’s our way of life. Everything we do is backed by strategic planning, designed to make our clients stand out above their competitors. In this digital era, everything needs to be perfectly planned. Without a team of experts by your side, you’re simply applying new technologies to old ideas. We don’t believe in applying duct tape to a problem. We believe in creating solutions that cause a domino-effect of success, from digital outreach to traditional marketing, and everything in between.

Every detail is thoughtfully planned

Creative, long-term solutions

Focus on Every Aspect of Marketing

We focus on every aspect of the sales funnel. From creating initial awareness that helps your audience know you--who you are and what you do--to converting leads into customers. Our full-service marketing agency understands buyer behavior and creates ways to optimize every aspect of your company's existence.

We'll ask for you to share your goals and develop an actionable plan to get you there. Throughout the process, you'll see how transparency makes a difference to the success of your campaigns. We'll tell you exactly what we're doing, why, and how it's working. We use your company value propositions, key branding messaging to empower your organization to grow and achieve a sustainable competitive edge over your competition.

VUP Media Strategies for Online Marketing Success

Armed with ample research and data analytics, our team works to ensure optimization and positive ROI. When you work with us, we help you hone your messaging across various platforms and mediums, including (but not limited to) SEO/SEM, PPC, website development, video messaging, print & logo designs, and social media marketing.

PLANNING. We create an idea in our minds, then we work with our clients to devise a plan that make your dreams a reality. We consider your audience—who they are, what they like, and why they're likely to be your customers—and we devise plans to bring them into the top of your sales funnel with the goal of enhancing your customers' journeys as they transition from leads to buyers.

TESTING. From A/B split testing to tracking of specific keywords, we've got you covered. We test, test some more, then re-test to ensure the final outcome is optimal for each of our clients' campaigns.

REPORTING. No campaign can be successful without metrics and numbers driving the results. We provide easy-to-access reporting, which will enable you to see how well you're ranking, which approaches are driving valuable traffic, and what keywords we might want to stay away from. You see what we see, and we're proud of our transparent approach to the management of our clients' campaigns. We utilize Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reporting to track progress against targets and goals to improve your performance.

RECOMMENDATIONS. With VUP, you have a team of standing by your side. We delve into the data and do the dirty work when it comes to keeping audiences' attention. We're an extension of your own business, and everything we recommend is based on years of extensive research and experience.

You Get Optimization

Our work is never done. We remain fluid in our approaches to our clients' campaigns to get the best results possible. We're constantly optimizing strategies and analyzing outcomes. If something doesn't work well, we'll re-work it. If there's an element that's producing outstanding results, we'll capitalize on it. For us, the end always justifies the means because our final products are optimized to make our client stand out above their competitors.
It's all about engagement, and our team promises to find ways your organization can engage with audiences, unlike anything you've ever experienced. We implement, test, and re-test, ensuring our desired results meet final expectations before we turn the steering wheel over to you so your team can take it for a spin.

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