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Five Stars Please!

The Importance of Ratings and Reviews

Reviews help build your digital brand and show customers why they should (or should not) use your business. What people have to say about their experiences have always been important, however digital works way faster than the word of mouth. 90% of customers read online ratings before visiting a business. That is an insane amount of your target public reading about your services online, which is why it is so important to have a lot of great reviews.

Reviews Help your Business

92% of users will use a local business if it has a minimum of a 4-star rating. Therefore, if you do good work, you get more customers. Reviews are a way for the well-branded companies that have outstanding services to get ahead. Don’t get left behind, start asking for ratings from your client base now.

Why Bad Reviews are Better than No Reviews

If you have an array of reviews, people can do research your business and weigh out their options. However, with no ratings, you are less likely to be looked at online by customers. If you are reviewed, even if they aren’t great, it still puts you on the digital platform and locates you on the map. Bad reviews can be addressed…no rankings leave you left behind.

How to Deal with Negative Reviews 

86% of people hesitate to purchase from a business that has negative online reviews. This means that if you have a large number of bad reviews and your ranking is not up to your customer’s standards you could have a serious problem. Luckily there are a few ways to handle bad reviews that will help your online presence:

  • Respond promptly
  • Show action and improvement
  • Correct inaccuracies
  • Highlight your strengths
  • Write empathetically
  • Ask loyal customers to review
  • Make sure customers are receiving great in-house service

Reputation management can completely revamp your digital image and expose you to the client base your company deserves. Ratings are essential to begin branding yourself online, let us help you today.

Want to know more? Enjoy your next cup of awesome soon. The Morning Cup is published every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and will give you insight and tips about all of your digital media needs…plus a teaspoon of fun. Have a question? Message us on Facebook to submit a topic. Need help? Give us a call at 401.949.8000 and let us boost your brand.

About VUP

We are storytellers, strategists, planners, and artists. VUP Media is made up of digital strategists that help create and execute an array of your digital media and marketing needs. Under one roof and usually at one table, our team plans produces and places your brand and assets across all platforms. Headquartered in Greenville, Rhode Island and Delray Beach, Florida, VUP Media is a full-service Digital Media and Interactive Solution agency. Our 3,000 sq. ft studio space is packed with four post-production suites, an audio recording studio, and a unique team of creative marketing professionals, motion graphic animators, and web developers. We have a multitude of services that will take your brand to the next level in the digital world. Call 401.949.8000 or visit for more information.