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5 Ways to Show Customer Appreciation

Happy customers make a happy business. It’s important to show customer appreciation, because if your customers feel valued, they will be more likely to stay with you.

If you don’t show appreciation for your customers, they might become dissatisfied and feel like just another number in your spreadsheet.

Here are five quick tips for how you can show customers your appreciation for their loyalty.

1. Send a personalized note.

In this digital age, sending letters through the mail seems like a thing of the past. But a handwritten note to thank a first-time customer for their business really goes above and beyond.

If you don’t have the time or resources to mail handwritten thank-yous, try sending a personalized email instead. Be sure to follow up and ask about their experience. As a result, the customer will feel valued.

2. Respond to reviews, good or bad.

Reviews can make or break your business. Keep your customers happy so they can give positive feedback about your business to other potential customers. The Internet plays a huge role in this; five stars on Yelp looks a lot better than one star and a frustrated comment. With better reviews you widen the potential for new customers.

Keep an eye on reviews of your business. It’s a good idea to personally respond to each review, whether it be positive or negative. If it’s positive, thank the customer for their business and for leaving a review. If it’s negative, offer a potential solution or face-to-face discussion. Hearing your customers’ complaints is important – you might fix the issue and save the relationship.

3. Reward loyal customers.

There is value in having long-term customers. Your profits will increase if customers stay with you rather than turning to the competition, because it is cheaper to sell to an existing customer.

Celebrate the anniversary of their first purchase, either by sending a discount or personal thank-you. This shows the customer that their business is important to you.

4. Make a thank-you video.

Get your staff involved with showing appreciation for your customers. Film each staff member saying “thank you” and compile them into a brief video. Post this on your social media for existing and potential customers to see. You’ll be showing the real team behind the screen, putting a face to your business.

5. Give social media shoutouts.

Digital marketing is quickly becoming all-encompassing, so active social media gives a good impression for potential customers browsing their options. Small businesses can benefit by giving other small businesses shout-outs on their social media. It’s likely they will appreciate your support and reciprocate the favor.

Without a doubt, showing appreciation for your customers is key to the success of your business. It increases the likelihood they’ll stay with you or even refer your business to others. Contact VUP Media today to see how we can help you show customer appreciation.