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Redesigning your website is a great practice when growing your business because it allows users to learn more about your services or products. However, it can be difficult for business owners to know when they should!

Here are some signs that it may be time to refresh your website.

Your Website’s Design is Outdated

Trends are always changing in website design. What was once trendy may now look dated. Visit other websites in your industry or other sites to get inspiration for design and navigation. Note what could work for your website and will not. This will help you in the planning process so that your initial redesign is a solid one.

A website can take away credibility if it’s inconsistent with your brand. Unappealing fonts, low-quality icons, misused color placement, and a careless layout can confuse your visitors. Be sure it’s easy to navigate and always keep the user in mind when redesigning your website’s layout.

Website is Running Slow

According to a Google study, 53% of mobile website visitors will leave if a webpage doesn’t load within three seconds. If your website is running slow, you risk annoying your customers and driving them away. A slow site can also hurt your search engine ranking, making it more difficult for new visitors to find your website.

If you are experiencing a slow site this could be due to many different reasons, such as unoptimized images (large images), bad hosting, or too many plugins. A quick loading website will not only keep visitors on your site, but they will also have a great experience on your site.

Your Website is Not Responsive

Responsive web design is a crucial aspect of your website. Customers need to be able to access your website easily from any device they are using. If your site is not mobile-friendly, for example, visitors could become frustrated and turn to another business with a responsive design. This can also hurt your SEO rankings, as search engines give preference to customer-friendly designs.

So is it time to redesign your website? Redesigning a website is not a simple process, as there are many steps to take before planning begins.

If you are still unsure whether or not your website needs a facelift, contact us at 401-949-8000. We can help you understand the process of new site design, help maintain our existing site, or create an entirely new site, you can always be sure it is in great hands with VUP Media.