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Marketing Funnel

Building an Effective Process

A marketing funnel is a model to visually organize moving consumers through various stages to complete a purchase. Much like the consumer ladder theory, potential customers can only move from one phase of the funnel to the next immediate stage. Here is a brief look at each phase:


This phase is all about creating awareness of a need. A customer will not even consider your product if it does not fulfill a need. During this stage you want them to associate your product/service in a positive light. Consider creating content that resolves around solving the problem and meeting their need.


Once a potential consumer recognizes they have a need, a search for more information is triggered. Over 80% of shoppers look online to educate themselves before making a purchase. Providing information on platforms customers are most likely turn too can give you an advantage.


This phase is all about turning a customer from “I like it” to “I want it.” The first two phases where to hook them and now it is time to show them why choosing your product is the best choice. Research has shown that a customer’s personality affects their decision making process. Targeting these personalities can help fuel underlying desires.


Getting a customer to take action is the concluding phase of the funnel. Up to this point, you have worked to gain the customers attention, provide information for the decision-making process, and increase their desire. But often it is in this final step that companies lose a customer.  It is important to keep this step simple and to the point. Giving customers less time to second guess their decision results in higher conversion rates.

The Takeaways:

Through understanding the marketing funnel, you can better meet the needs of the consumer. It is important to remember that people will not jump from awareness to action, they take it step by step. The process is modeled as a funnel because  it filters out there are a lot of people who will enter that first phase but at every step some perspective people will drop out as your focus narrows.

Want to know more? Enjoy your next cup of awesome soon. The Morning Cup is published every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and will give you insight and tips about all of your digital media needs…plus a teaspoon of fun. Have a question? Message us on Facebook to submit a topic. Need help? Give us a call at 401.949.8000 and let us boost your brand. 

About VUP

We are storytellers, strategists, planners and artists. VUP Media is made up of digital strategists that help create and execute an array of your digital media and marketing needs. Under one roof and usually at one table, our team plans, produces and places your brand and assets across all platforms. Headquartered in Greenville, Rhode Island and Delray Beach, Florida, VUP Media is a full-service Digital Media and Interactive Solution agency. Our 3,000 sq. ft studio is home to four post-production suites, an audio recording studio, and a unique team of creative marketing professionals, motion graphic animators, and web developers. We have a multitude of services that will take your brand to the next level in the digital world. Call 401.949.8000 or visit for more information.






