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A plethora of software integrations and new technologies are supporting businesses in an effort to optimize their processes. This is especially true in the sphere of marketing. With digital marketing taking up most of the advertisement world, it is important to find tools that work with you in the pursuit of ultimate brand awareness. Read on to learn 5 tools that we can’t live without.

  • Analytics

An aspect of marketing that is often overlooked is the amount of data used to assess the key performance indicators, efficiency in spend, and overall growth of a business. Research and analytics are the backbones of a well-oiled strategic marketing plan. To know where your brand is going, you must be able to clearly assess where it currently resides. Simply put, numbers don’t lie, therefore investing in quality analytic software is essential in understanding the scope of your brand’s reach.

Countless platforms will provide you will in-depth analytics. Some great examples are Google Analytics and Data Studio. 

  • Social Media Platforms

If you aren’t on Instagram, like, what are you doing?… All joking aside, social media platforms are a huge tool for marketing in today’s age. With the rise of social selling, brands are now targeting their audience wherever they go, that includes their “for you page” on TikTok. With social media being at the forefront of everyday life, these platforms are a leading resource in establishing and maintaining your brand’s digital presence. 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are great platforms for businesses to grow their social media presence.

  • Website Platforms

Creating a digital space for your brand is key as a marketing entity.  A website acts as a home for your brand. It can also serve as a transactional space, generating revenue via online store or leads for your business’ sales funnel. This is where your brand or business can stand alone and when done well, can stand out amongst competitors. A web platform acts as a network of information for your brand while working as an access point when looking into your business’s services and products. Even when you are utilizing every social network, it will not yield as much credibility for your brand as a professional website will.

Depending on the functions and needs of your site will depend on what platform you should select to start building. Some great website platforms for beginning the marketing process are Word Press, Drupal, and Square Space.

  • Project Management

Marketing is synonymous with multitasking, so equipping your business with an automated project management system will bring production to new heights.  Project management takes on mundane responsibilities like organization and task delegation so you and your team can focus on creative thinking and action items.  Project management software acts as a digital receipt for productivity in your business, down to how much time is spent on tasks.

Examples of Project Management software that your business can utilize are Trello, Paymo, and Hive.

  • Design

Having user-friendly design software is one of the extremely important for flawless marketing. Regardless of all the analytics and research that goes into targeting your audience, creating attention-grabbing content is half the battle.  Utilizing accessible and user-friendly designing software will ensure you can always have new projects at your fingertips.

Some great graphic design software that will help you and your team yield unique graphics are Photoshop, Illustrator, and Canva, to name a few.

Now that you know what you need to get started, make marketing magic for your brand. If you are looking for guidance, contact us at VUP Media today!