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The internet has revolutionized the advertising industry. Since the way businesses operate in the digital age is constantly evolving, there are now more ways to connect with your customers than ever before!

What Are Some Examples of Digital Marketing?

Social Media

Social media can be broken down into two categories: organic and paid. Organic refers to what you post on social media without paid promotion. Paid refers to buying ad space to promote a brand to larger or more specific audiences. Social media advertising uses profile data to push advertisements to users who fit specific criteria. Organic social content can solidify your brand’s values and personality to your existing customers, while paid social ads will reach out to new customers.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads happen outside of social media. Advertisers pay a fee for each time one of their ads is clicked. The most common PPC ad formats appear on search result pages of search engines like Google. These ads use specific keywords that are relevant to a brand, product, or service. Pay-per-click ads expand your brand’s reach, which is especially helpful for small businesses.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of optimizing your online content to bring more organic traffic from search engines. SEO involves emphasizing keywords that are related to your business. Publishing content that closely aligns with what a customer might search for encourages search engines to put your business’s website among the top results. 

Why Digital Marketing is Successful

No matter the size of your business, digital marketing has been proven to be a necessary addition to your business plan. The tools available to marketers allow for more accurate ways to research, manage, track, and analyze data to improve online campaigns. When done effectively, digital marketing tells your brand’s story, creates relationships with your audience, and increases revenue for your business.

Digital marketing is an ever-evolving landscape. It can be overwhelming to decide which tactics are worth your company’s time and money. The experienced marketing team at VUP Media is ready to help you strategize a comprehensive marketing plan for your business. Contact us today to get started.