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Many businesses have seen the success of Facebook advertising and are including it as a standard tactic in their marketing strategy. Did you know that there are ways to optimize your graphics and copy to make your ads even more engaging?

Secrets to Optimizing Your Facebook Graphics

Brands have begun to discover that audiences are responding better to visuals, therefore, increasing the need for quality graphics.

Use High-Quality Imagery

To ensure that you are following Facebook’s guidelines, pay attention to the image size and quality of your media files. We recommend JPEGs or PNGs for your imagery at the highest image resolution available.

  • In the mobile and desktop news feed, the minimum requirement is 400×500 pixels for a single image ad.
  • Mobile single image ads with links need to be 320 pixels.
  • Desktop single image ads need to be 476×249 pixels.

Keep All Imagery Consistent

Be sure to keep all imagery consistent and cohesive throughout your ad campaigns. If you are running multiple ad sets with a single campaign, check that images have a consistent design. In other words, make sure that the visuals in your ads are representative of your brand.

Experiment with Visuals in Your Facebook Ad

As you are creating an ad, look at inspiration and play around with imagery. This helps to give you a feel for how you want your ad to represent your brand.

Optimizing the Text in Your Facebook Ad

Creating engaging copy is just as important as using beautiful imagery. One tip is to be concise in your wording. According to Facebook, ads with less than 20% text in the imagery perform better.

Write Copy in Your Ad
Remember to keep your ad copy concise! When writing the headline and body text for your ad, keep in mind Facebook’s character limits:

  • Ad headlines: 25 characters
  • Body text: 125 characters
  • Link description: 30 characters

Even with limited characters, your ad’s call to action (CTA) should pack a punch!

Use Active Verbs in Ad Copy
Utilize action verbs in both your headline and body text. Focus on creating a short and clear CTA. Remember, without a clear CTA, Facebook users will see your ad, but they’ll have no idea how to access your products or services.

Ensure the Visuals Line Up with the Copy
If the visuals and text aren’t related to your ad, Facebook users will be confused and lose interest.

If Facebook advertising makes your head spin, VUP Media is here to help! If you are looking to create strategic ad campaigns, our marketing experts can help you achieve your goals and grow your business.