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As a service provider, product manufacturer, or supplier; building a positive online presence is key in strengthening your brand.  Internet marketing is no longer limited to creating company websites that are used to inform your on-the-go consumers with your contact information.  We are amidst the Data Age; which takes the everyday users’ tasks to the next level by making searching, watching, and sharing of information fun and as simple as possible.  People don’t only read information displayed on the internet, they watch it.

Video is not a new concept, it has been around since the 1800s when the first device known as the “wheel of life” was patented.  Given that it only portrayed moving drawings or photographs, the world of motion pictures and realistic portrayals have come a very long way.  Now, we can depict a story in a million different ways; from photo montages, cinematography, and motion graphics, to animation; the possibilities are endless!

If you or your company are already pretty engaging on the internet, (with social media marketing like the platforms Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogspot, Linkedin, Pinterest), or email marketing you have already set yourself up for success.  In 2012, ranked at number 2 for total visitors was YouTube [Facebook at number 1] with 4 billion online views per day.  It only makes sense to follow the trend and publish your story on YouTube too.  In order to take full advantage of this valuable resource, your video should be informative, different, eye-catching, fun…and most importantly, viewable on the internet.

With 2.4 billion users who access the internet and nearly half (1.6 billion) of them who use it to gather information that will lead them to make a final buying decision; your professional video should be front and center, right where people are looking.

Although we can come up with an infinite number of reasons a professional video works well for internet marketing; we have narrowed them down to our top 5:

  1. Capture A Greater Audience Socially:  By utilizing a corporate video with your normal social media campaigns (i.e. email marketing, Facebook, and Twitter); your everyday messages are turned up a few notches.  You now have the opportunity to describe the full scope of your company with little to no reading; gaining exposure for your brand.  The term ‘viral,’ is not to be taken lightly.  Internet users spend 22% of their online time on social networking sites, 21% performing searches, and 19%checking emails and communicating.  Whatever message you choose to convey, it has the potential to be seen and heard by 80% of the US population who access the internet.
  2. Appear More Frequently In Search Engines:  Improve the status of your site on popular search engines like Google by incorporating a professional video on your website.  70% of the top searched listings use videos, so make sure your site is at the top of the list by showcasing a video.  With 1.6 billion users who are on the internet searching for information that facilitate their buying decisions, your site should be front and center.
  3. Increase Time Spent On Your Site:  Minimize those dreaded bounce rates by keeping your audiences captivated and interested directly from the home page.  Users spend 88% more time on websites that include videos, increasing time spent on your site by two to five times.  Studies by Microsoft show that you only have 10 seconds to grab a visitor’s attention before they move onto the next thing.  By taking advantage of a professional video that is information-driven, has compelling imagery, and provides remarkable solutions you have a greater opportunity to keep eyes locked on your site!
  4. Increase Revenue:  Obtaining a greater ROI (return on investment) is the goal every business-minded person thinks of when they make a decision on what media campaigns to ‘invest’ in.  Marketing efforts vary depending on each individual’s goal, target market, and industry.  The internet is one avenue that every company should participate in.  Data shows the use of web videos brings a conversion increase in sales by 30%-40%.  Utilizing videos that feature a specific product or service will supply knowledge and insight, increasing sales.  Customers who watch videos of a product are85% more likely to make a purchase.  Generally, people are always on the go and don’t always make the time to call customer service and go through the sales support process when they have questions.  Answer your potential customers’ questions, before they need to call in.  Retain current customers by replying to customer comments with videos, using a professional video to remind them that you are still a resource, and offering incentives for sharing your videos with others.
  5. Self Promotion Is Always A Plus:  Ensure you or your company is recognizable by building brand awareness.  Everyone publishes information about their product/service, but what will set you apart from your competitors will be that catchy tune, words of wisdom you expressed, and interesting visuals that you incorporated into the professional video that represents YOU.  Some may wonder why the show ‘Cheers’ was such a success.  It has a great deal to do with their ability to emerge themselves in the concept “where everyone knows your name.”  Use videos that tell the story of who you are.  If you don’t have the budget that allows for television airtime, the internet is with your oyster.  Take your professional video to the next level and beat your competitors!Coming soon: 10 Types Of Professional VideosNeed an idea of what your Professional Video could look like? Then click here: Fun and Dynamic video.The possiblities are endless, learn more about how your professional video could look. Need help with showcasing this idea to your manager or boss? We have you covered!