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As an individual or company, the first step in determining what type of video is best for you; is to identify your goal.  If you are product manufacturing company, your video will be different than one for a food & dining blogger.  No matter what realm of expertise you are involved with, there is a video for you that will produce results.Videos are a valuable resource for everyone in every market.  They can be produced once, and be broadcasted on television, social media, websites, through emails, and through apps.  After your video is created, get more information on 5 Things a Professional Video Does For Internet Marketing.

Here are our top 10 types of videos that will help you reach your business objectives and see results:

  1. Corporate Messaging:  Build your brand exponentially by utilizing a corporate video to describe the full scope of your company; your brand has the opportunity to gain exposure.  The term ‘viral,’ is not to be taken lightly.  Whatever message you choose to convey, has the potential to be seen by 80% of the US population that access the internet.   Through broadcast television, on websites, and through email and social media marketing campaigns; your corporate video can be seen and heard everywhere at any time.
  2. Success Stories & Case Studies:  Features of your product or service through the eye of other customers (i.e. customer testimonials) can be compelling and evoke a connection between your company and your potential customer.  Before making a final purchasing decision; 70% of consumers consult reviews made by other customers.  Let your other happy customers tell their story of evolution through video.  This simultaneously promotes your trustworthiness as well as brand awareness.
  3. Product & Service Demonstrations:  Visually tell the story of how your company performs and actually does what it claims.  Showcasing your product/service on with an instructional video via the web, email campaigns, and through broadcast television will help clarify customer questions during the early stages of the buying cycle.  Providing this vehicle, simplifies the buying decision and helps eliminate confusion that commonly occurs, [but is not limited to] online retail.  Every second, roughly$270,000 is spent on online purchases and is forecasting to increase 8.6% per year for next five years.  Make sure your product/service is properly demonstrated right where your potential customers are looking!
  4. Sales Tool:  Out with the old (print brochures), and in with the new!  Take a more forward-thinking approach by using internet marketing to portray your ‘company overview.’  Informative videos can relay the same information your current brochures do…but with a little more umph.  Sales supports teams can take your product showcase on the road and share it wherever they go.
  5. Training Tool:  Through proper training and videos that support this process, your team will have the necessary skills to drive a greater return for you or your company.  This includes but is not limited to service training, education in providing support and sales, for personal development.  Training videos can be an incredibly valuable asset if used it more …ways such as online.  This will increase site traffic and user experience; while reducing unnecessary costs for strategies such as traditional classroom training.
  6. Social Media Marketing Video:  If you have a message to tell, your story can be told online and shared through the most popular social media channels.  Every second, Twitter pushes 100,000tweets, Facebook shares almost 700,000 items, and YouTube uploads 48 hours of video.  Promote your business on whichever platform makes the most sense to your company and promote customer interaction through those platforms.  55% of consumers share their purchases socially on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites; in addition to the 68% of viewers who share videos.  So share your message in a creative, fun and interesting way through social media!
  7. In-Store Promotion:  Have you ever noticed those cool ads that are displayed at sports arenas, or at behind the registers at fast food joints?  Those videos are referred to as “point-of-sales” videos.  They reach their customers right when they are at the point of making a purchase.  This increases the opportunity to up sell on a specific products/services in an attention-grabbing way.  It can be considered less obtrusive and fun to see than maybe other in-store promotions such as awkward cardboard signs.
  8. Photo Montage:  These are one of the simplest, yet most popular ways to display digital photo albums.  Memories and storytelling is conveyed with cool filters, music, and still pictures.  Special events such as weddings, ceremonious occasions, and corporate functions can all be snapped with a still camera and compiled into a functional video montage.  Like other videos, they can be posted online, shared through various social media efforts, burned to DVD, and mailed as a sales/promotional piece.
  9. Internal Communications:  This use for video is a common communications tool among larger companies.  Anything from events, tradeshows, conferences, and everyday communications; employees can get a quick overview of other departments’ functions by watching an informative video.  With as many different departments and time zones that large corporations may have, these videos can be a valuable resource with the sharing of relevant information.  Sometimes these videos are more fun and interesting; leading to social sharing and viral distribution.
  10. Fun, Fun, Fun:  Not all videos need to be serious with hired on-screen talent, professional copywriting, and little to no imagination with editing.  They can also be just as informative, but with cool graphics and sound.  Think about adding background music, showing your product with motion graphics, or animation! The possibilities are abundant and you should also have fun while you work.  Fun videos can be effective with content marketing campaigns.