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Bye-bye 2018!

Time flies when you are having fun! That’s right, 2018 is almost over, how is that possible? VUP Media has had an amazing year! We have grown our team, service abilities, client list, and our creative brains.

In 2018 we branded The Morning Cup, which is our blog that you are reading RIGHT NOW! We have been writing blogs on all things digital; from crafting the perfect call to action on your landing page to the basics of the marketing funnel.

The Morning Cup intends to shed light on basic marketing and digital ideas that we use in our daily practices. This not only helps us share up-to-date information with our clients and local businesses that need help, but it also educates the public on what goes into the world of digital media. There is so much that revolves around a digital marketing strategy, so our blog is a simpler way of explaining it…all while having fun.

2018 brought us a lot of work, a lot of laughs, and so much to look forward to. So what will 2019 bring?

Planning For 2019- Setting Your Business Goals

Each year we all make New Year’s Resolutions; what we can do to improve, how we can be better, and how we can do more. Start this year by creating goals for what you want your business to look like a year from now.

What should my goals be?

You want goals that are researched, measurable, and achievable. With a realistic goal that can be objectively met, we as marketers will be able to create a strategic roadmap on how to get there.

Researched Goals

Don’t just spit out numbers you want to see by the end of next year. Instead, look back at the past three to five years and see where your sales have been. Are they growing? If they are increasing how much have they increased?

Measurable Goals

How will you know if a goal is truly met without measures? Set a numeric goal so that you can easily track its success. “Get 500 more likes on my Facebook page by April 2019” is a great example of a measurable goal. It has a numeric value to the success and it has a deadline. These types of goals will make sure that you are always progressing.

Achievable Goals

Everyone’s goal of 2019 will be to triple sales. However, this is not always a realistic or attainable goal for some businesses. Instead, set yourself goals that are possible but challenging. Your business will still continually grow, without imagining that you are going to double or triple your sales.

Establishing a few achievable goals will help you know what you want, and will help us as marketers drive initiatives to attain your awesome growth. If you are interested in sharing your goals with us so we can create a strategic plan for you, give us a call at 401.949.8000. We want to help you maintain that New Year motivation. Happy Holidays.