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As another wave of Trade Show Season draws near for many, our team reviews some of our ideas on what works best for Trade Show Presenters.  In the coming months various industries offer a number of trade show events & conventions for industry segments including Manufacturing (Robotics, Textiles, Medical, and Plastics), Energy, Fashion, and Gaming.

Five Steps

5 Tools Every Tradeshow Exhibitor Should Be Using

Depending on which event you attend; there are three core reasons your company may be in attendance.  One, you want to gain customer insight/retention; two, you would like to define your brand to an essential audience; and three, your goal is to grow market share within your industry.

With these in mind, the following steps will help YOUR business win over those trade show attendees.

1.  SHOWCASE your product or service with a professional booth display and an eye-catching, yet informative video.  Customizing your set up in a way that grabs attendees’ attention and visually conveys your brand; will give you the platform you need to provide relevant information on what it is that your company has to offer.
  • 77% of trade show attendees are potential new customers; make sure they know exactly what it is that you do.
  • Studies show, if your graphic can be easily read from 15 ft away, people will remember your brand!

2.  EDUCATE your attendees on your business’ service/product with marketing materials that are informative, visually appealing, and to the point.

  • 82% of attendees have purchasing power.  Educate and be MEMORABLE!

3.  MEMORABLE booths that include a pleasant and knowledgeable staff to convey their business will leave a positive, lasting impression.

  • About 3/4 of attendees place a high value on face-to-face interaction and 54% of individuals who attend travel 400 miles to attend.  Make it count!

4.  GATHER contact information and notes on key interests as future talking points.  Even though you give out your business cards/pamphlets/souvenirs; the line of communication should be 2-way.

  • 39% of attendees go to the same show at least 2 years in a row…thus keeping in touch is key!

5.  FOLLOW UP with those who attended; ensuring that lasting impression goes a long way.  You will get the greatest ROI by making sure your company remains top of mind.

  • The buying potential is huge, with 56 million attendees who plan to buy one or more products!

In all, no matter what reason you have to present your team at a trade show event; your design and sales force is advantageous to your entire organization.  On average, visitors participate in 3 trade shows per year, spend about 3 hours on site, and visit 25-30 exhibitors’ booths…giving you 5-15 minutes to make a positive impression.

How can accomplish the majority of these tasks provided?  By utilizing a professional trade show video!  You can showcase your brand professionally, educate your audience within 5-15 minutes, ensure your brand is memorable, and give your sales team many valuable talking points that will enable them to gather contacts for a well-informed follow up down the road.

Let our professional team of communications specialists, videographers, motion graphic artists, and developers show YOU how we can plan, produce, and deliver your next trade show video.  Visit us at for samples of work; or contact us at today!

*Sources provided by: